
.A work of art contains its verifications in itself; artificial, strained concepts do not with stand the test of being turned into images;they fall to pieces,turn out to be sickly and pale, convince no one. Works which draw on truth and present it to us in live and concentrated form grip us, compellingly involve us, and no one ever, not even ages hence, will come forth to refute them.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


The Revolutionary Arts Ensemble is a music/art project 

The Ensemble has grown out of a band which was called Thing, until we found out a few years ago that there is of course another band already with this name, and strangely enough doing not a dissimilar 'thing' to us. 
Under the Thing name the band recorded 'Thing vs Albert Ayler' in about 2005, which was four songs, we might release this after the Gordons project is finished.

Our first task as the ensemble was to interpret the Gordons legendary first self titled EP.The project was/is to limited to a couple of gigs, video and a studio recording of 
the result.
Although we would consider taking the set to the main centers if there was any interest...... 

 Poster for first event screen printed by Adrian Thornton

The ensemble of musicians/artists for the first project consists of;

Anton Wuts - Alto,Tenor and Baritone Saxophone, music transcription
Tane -  Trombone and Tuba
Willie DeVine - electric Bass, audio engineering
Clifford Howell - Double Bass
Vinnie - Electric Guitar
Dean - Drums
Adrian Thornton - occasional vocals, design,set construction,screen printing and propaganda
Liam Bourke - occasional vocals, Harmonica 
Lee Hansen - Photography/film camera - truck 
Martin Poppelwell -Occasional Propaganda design
Siobhan McCormack - Propaganda distribution.

The first gig at the Cabana was played with Fane Flaws and No Engine on the 4th May, it was a real hoot, strangely enough and much to our surprise and delight people seemed to really enjoy the wall of noise that the Ensemble put down.

Set for the Gordons project under construction

Rabbit provided by Martin Poppelwell, sprayed  by Adrian Thornton.


Cabana 4.5.12

The set being set up above, and with the band in full flight below.


 Over the evenings of the 9th and 10th of July we recorded the five Gordons songs at the Cabana, which owner Roy had generously let us use at the last moment, after our original recording venue fell through, many thanks Roy!
The recording was engineered by bassist willie D.
We are in the process of mixing it,will have a finished product real soon.


The Last Hawkes Bay Show

We will be playing our last Hawkes Bay show of  this interpretation of the Gordons at the Dome on the 21st July at The Dome in Napier, we will  be playing with Fane Flaws and No Engine and Wellington Jazz outfit The Troubles who are doing their album release tour
booking at bookings@thedome.co.nz

 poster for The Dome event by Adrian

WHATS NEXT...???!!...

We have already started work for a new show tentatively titled 'There are other Worlds out there' which will be a tribute to Sun Ra and his Arkesta, this one will be very interesting.

I will keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. I'm really intrigued by this group, it is excellent. I love the rendering done to the Gordons tracks and would love to know what else you have done.
    I'd be very interested to bring the group i drum for, mr sterile Assembly, you way to do a show.

    would like to make contact
